I was born in the mid-1950’s. My generation has been stuck with many labels, boomers, hippies, yuppies to name just a few of the polite ones. Me, I think of myself as part of the space age generation.
We talked about space flight from primary school to high school. We grew up watching the race to the moon unfold on television.
I remember watching the early space missions, Alan Shepard blasting off, John Glenn orbiting, and most of all, the gripping, amazing flight of Apollo 11. A man walked on the moon. Incredible.
That collective experience provided an awesome accomplishment for my generation to consider, maybe even to be shaped by it.
Charles Fishman is an award winning journalist who has spent years reporting for the Washington Post. He has written books about Wal-Mart, about water and now, about the space program. His latest book One Giant Leap: The Impossible Mission That Flew Us To The Moon tells the story of the hundreds of thousands of people who made the moon landing possible.
He comes to Seattle Friday, June 28th, 7:30 at Town Hall.- part of Seattles Summer of Space, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first Moon landing.
Charles Fishman is author of “One Giant Leap,” the story of the people who built the machines, the computers, the suits, ships, and even the gloves that made the Moon landing a reality.
He speaks at Town Hall Seattle Friday, 7:30 June 28th.
Charles Fishman floating around at Zero Gravity.
The Apollo 11 command module Columbia is on display at The Museum of Flight. Destination Moon: The Apollo 11 Mission runs at the Museum of Flight from April 13 to September 2, 2019.
Next time a conversation with a philosopher about baseball.
Join me for a play by play of the big ideas inside the diamond with Alva Noe on the next At Length.
Again, thank you to Town Hall for letting me talk to these wonderful writers. Don’t forget to listen to all their podcasts, including In The Moment, the podcast I host with Jini Palmer, featuring excerpts from these interviews as well as other great interviews by a cohort of journalists, artists and thinkers.
Drop me a note, sscher At gmail dot com. And wherever you find your podcasts, leave a review. Your opinions, your reviews are important to me.
Thank you for listening.