Of course, no one sets out to be a poor parent. The consequences for abused or neglected children are personally and socially devastating. In a real sense, taxpayers accept an expensive laissez-faire approach to poor parenting that winds up costing billions later in programs that try to undo the consequences of weak family situations.
Here now, a conversation about the work being done to teach better parenting skills in a way that opens up the opportunity to heal broken families and open fair paths to opportunity. Our guests are
Liliana Lengua, Professor of Psychology and the Director of University of Washington Center for Child and Family; Marcy Miller , Director of Home Visiting for Thrive by Five Washington, the state’s primary private partner in creating a statewide early learning system; Michelle Sarju, Director of Programs at Open Arms Perinatal Services, a non profit offering this community based program since 1997
How Can I Help? Encouraging Stronger Families Through Home Visits is hosted by Steve Scher and produced by Katy Sewall.
This Crosscut Media Program supported by The Giddens Foundation